Real Stories

Diaper Love Project


Diaper Love Project

A Photographic Series from Help a Mother Out and Christie Hemm Klok

Caption: Elena and Abby (age 19 mos, diaper size 4) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

Caption: Elena and Abby (age 19 mos, diaper size 4) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

“I am from Honduras and came to San Francisco two years ago with my husband and two sons. Because of the gangs and violence, we were afraid for our lives — it is very dangerous. That is why we came here.

Soon after we arrived, I got pregnant, and it was a girl. I was so happy! A friend told me about the (Help a Mother Out) diaper program through Wu Yee Children's Services. It helps me a lot because I don't have to spend money on diapers for my daughter.

Abby's favorite thing to do, and something that I also enjoy, is going to the park. She likes to run around on the grassy area and chase the pigeons. There are a lot of doggies too, and she likes to run around with them. I would like Abby to graduate from college. I hope and dream my older sons will also graduate.”


Photo credits: Christie Hemm Klok

Diaper Love Project


Diaper Love Project

A Photographic Series from Help a Mother Out and Christie Hemm Klok

Laura and Edgar (age 11 mos, diaper size 6) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

Laura and Edgar (age 11 mos, diaper size 6) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

“I always dreamed of having a happy family and happy children. We have two children, my son who is almost 1-year old and my 4-year old daughter who is in Pre-K. I worry most about taking care of the children and how to take care of the baby. My daughter has crossed feet and when she walks she falls down easily. Now she is in therapy, but that was very scary.

Last week the best thing that happened was when my husband brought home a rose for me. I met my husband in Guatemala. He came to the United States first and when I came afterwards he asked me to get married. I felt very happy. I came to the United States six years ago. I could not afford food in Guatemala and came in search of work and because of poverty in my country. My brother and sister-in-law live together with us in the apartment, and before the children I worked as a food preparer in a restaurant.

My favorite thing to do with my family is to go out to the playground, read books, play with the baby in the house, or go to the playgroup. My desire and hope is to have my children grow up to be healthy and receive an education. I want to have a happy family.”


Photo credits: Christie Hemm Klok

Diaper Love Project


Diaper Love Project

A Photographic Series from Help a Mother Out and Christie Hemm Klok

Callie and Mimi (age 17 mos, diaper size 4) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

Callie and Mimi (age 17 mos, diaper size 4) live in San Francisco. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

“Our family is me, my husband who works, our baby girl, and my mother. I share our apartment with another family now. My wish is that I would like to have a living space for just my family. Getting diapers has reduced the stress for my family and lowered my anxiety, too. I just lost my job and I am looking for a new job now. I am very worried about money. If I didn’t receive diapers from the program, it would impact my finances very much. They are expensive and we have had to buy food with that money. I’m very grateful for the help.”


Photo credits: Christie Hemm Klok

Diaper Love Project


Diaper Love Project

A Photographic Series from Help a Mother Out and Christie Hemm Klok

Ying has two children in diapers. Baby Daniel is 5 months old and wears a size 4 diaper. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out and live in San Francisco.

Ying has two children in diapers. Baby Daniel is 5 months old and wears a size 4 diaper. They receive diapers from Help a Mother Out and live in San Francisco.

“I am worried about finances all the time and I’ve needed to choose between buying diapers and formula. I do not have enough breast milk so I need to feed formula to my baby -- but my baby doesn't like the taste of the powder formula, he likes the taste of liquid formula. Because of the diaper program I don't have to spend money on diapers so I can spend money on other things for my family. If I didn't have access to diapers it would be hard on my family’s finances. Sometimes if I didn't have enough diapers I would extend the life of the diapers I did have and take more time between diaper changes. I am on WIC* and I do not qualify for CalFresh* now because my husband is working full time and I got cut off from CalFresh. Receiving diapers has really helped lower my financial stress. My hope is that my kids are happy and healthy. That is what I want.”

*These federal and state assistance programs do not offer diapers.


Photo credits: Christie Hemm Klok

Diaper Love Project


Diaper Love Project

A Photographic Series from Help a Mother Out and Christie Hemm Klok

Tina and Carlos (24 mo./diaper size 6) live in a small San Francisco apartment and receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

Tina and Carlos (24 mo./diaper size 6) live in a small San Francisco apartment and receive diapers from Help a Mother Out.

“I receive diapers every month from the program. It has helped us a lot because we can use the money that we are saving on diapers to buy food or clothing for my son. It has really helped to lower our financial stress. If we didn’t receive these diapers, I don’t know what I would do. So we would need to make it work with what we had left at home. My hopes and dreams are for my children to be happy, to find something that they love and enjoy that they are happy with. And for us to be healthy and happy as a family. I worry about him getting sick, but at the moment everything is okay.”


Photo credits: Christie Hemm Klok

Diaper Shortages Leave Low-Income Kids Behind Before They Can Even Walk

This post originally appeared at and is reposted with permission.

Ask a county social worker, a food bank director, or any organization that assists families in low-income communities, and you will likely learn that they all experience a similar predicament each month. They do not have enough diapers. Diapers are the most requested basic need item, and organizations always run out.

Unmet diaper needs impact families’ ability to work and the public health of the communities where they live. Because diapers are required by most child care facilities, lack of diapers can reduce access to work and poor diapering can facilitate the spread of disease in public spaces.

According to The Diaper Bank, an adequate supply of diapers cost $100 or more per month. Making things worse, safety net programs such as TANF, SNAP and WIC do not allot money for diapers. Benefits themselves are already low. In California, the maximum TANF benefit—which provides cash assistance—is no more than 40% of the federal poverty level (around $670 per month for a family of three). According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, there isn’t a state in the country with a TANF benefit higher than ½ of the federal poverty line. To get by, families report diapering less. Some even report that their infants or toddlers have spent a day or longer in one diaper, which not only leads to potential health risks for the baby, but also puts them at risk for social, emotional and behavioral problems, according to aPediatrics study.

Here in California, there are eleven diaper banks that are part of the National Diaper Bank network. Meeting the unmet diaper needs of very young children with donated diapers is their business, and they too report shortages on a regular basis and admit to covering only a small percentage of the state.

This is what I learned when I started advocating in support of a bill introduced in California this year by Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez and Senator Holly Mitchellto address the growing unmet need among poor families with infants and toddlers. The idea that we need legislation to address unmet diaper needs usually gets a chuckle out of most people at first. However, the grim reality is that a lack of an adequate supply of diapers can have severe mental, emotional, and developmental impacts on parents and children. In response, Assembly Bill 1516 would provide an $80 per month diaper supplement to eligible children receiving public assistance and would create a public-private partnership fund to help facilitate the distribution of financial donations and diaper contributions to the neediest of families.

My work on the bill is through the Women’s Policy Institute (WPI) at the Women’s Foundation of California. The WPI trains women about how the legislative process works and how to advocate for legislative change. Since I am a single mom who knows how costly it can be to keep an infant adequately diapered and how difficult it can be to try to figure it out on your own, I am motivated to make the most of this opportunity. Still, I am most inspired by the personal stories and the sense of how real policy decisions can impact real people’s lives.

A mother I know who has three little girls is one of these real people whose story has inspired me. She was working several jobs, but was still living under the poverty line and receiving just over $100 a month in TANF assistance, when extra hours at work and $20 more in her paycheck made her ineligible for the TANF program.

She lacked job security at her hourly jobs, and the loss of the income from TANF left her family on unstable footing. As a result, she struggled to meet her children’s basic needs. She told me about how she forced her children to potty train way before they were ready to save money and about her feelings of being overwhelmed with stress during this period in her family’s life.

Throughout the legislative session, the team of advocates working on this bill has heard other powerful testimonies about the consequences for children when parents are unable to make it through the end of each month without reusing lightly soiled diapers or prolonging periods between diaper changes.

I don’t know if Assembly Bill 1516 will pass and, if it gets passed, if it would get signed. But I hope that its introduction has helped to educate lawmakers in our state’s Capitol about the great risks associated with deep poverty and unmet diaper needs and to inspire them to do something about it.  I also know that bills like this one, which tackle the real needs of real people and real policy solutions, are desperately needed from Sacramento to Albany and in every state capitol in between.  Until we confront the human and fiscal costs associated with allowing children to live in deep poverty and the deep inequities that start at birth, our poorest children will be hampered by unequal footing before they even learn to walk.

Alysia Cox is a single mother (of a five-year-old) and dedicated advocate for low-income families. She currently serves as a Community Development Commissioner for the city of Richmond, California. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from The University of California, Davis. She is also a 2013-14 Women’s Policy Institute Fellow through the Women’s Foundation of California. 


We shared “Clara’s” story, as told by her case manager, La Tanya, at our annual event in March. Her name and some details of her story are changed for privacy.

Good morning. My name is LaTanya. I’m a case manager at the CVC. Since my son Eli was born, the idea of running out of diapers horrifies me, and makes me grateful for programs like Help A Mother Out. Every time I purchase diapers for Eli, I think about all the moms who can’t afford to do the same.

For the last 14 years I have worked directly with homeless families, and I know that access to diapers can make food, medicine and shelter possible for low-income families. Until started working at CVC I had never heard of programs that donate diapers and always daydreamed with coworkers that one day we’d be able to provide them. Help A Mother Out made my dreams a reality.

Today I’m here to tell you about one mom and her family: Clara and her two sons. Andre is her youngest son. He is 7 years old and has autism. Matthew is her oldest son who is 17 years old. He is about to graduate from high school and has dreams of going to college.

I met Clara a few months ago, after Help A Mother Out connected her with me. When I called Clara, she was crying. She explained to me that she was a single mom, working as a part time medical clerk, and she was having an especially hard time. Andre has autism. He has no verbal skills and hasn’t retained any sign language. So potty training has been extremely difficult for her. She kept apologizing to me over the phone for needing help.

That day I talked to her three times. It became clear to me early on that Clara was extremely isolated, and did not know about resources were available to her family. The more I talked to her, the more I felt helpless.  So many women like Clara get lost, because they don’t know about resources that could help.

I told Clara about MediCAL – because Andre is an older child with special needs, she could ask his doctor about prescription for diapers. She told me that Andre hasn’t been to see a doctor in awhile. We agreed that she would come into see me.

On the day she came to see me, the first thing I did before conducting a needs assessment interview, was give her diapers for Andre. She wasn’t expecting the help and seemed really shocked and kept saying “god bless you, thank you for helping me.” She cried uncontrollably. She could not believe that someone was helping her family.

Clara seemed worn down from taking care of her son with virtually no help. It was clear to me that she was a loving mother, but at her wits end with caring for Andre. She was under an incredible amount of emotional stress. As he has grown older, Andre has become more difficult to care for. The few relatives they have in the area have abandoned them. Clara, Andre and her older son Matthew are now homeless. They live in a friend’s garage.

After our first visit, I walked Clara and Andre to their car. After Andre was settled, Clara turned to me and gave me one of the longest hugs I’ve received in my life. It seemed to last for 20 minutes. It was the kind of hug where you literally feel the raw emotions and sadness from the other person, but also the kind of hug that there was hope. I became overwhelmed with emotion knowing that with Help A Mother Out, I could have this kind of impact on a family.

I think that even if I had just given her 4 diapers she would have been just as thankful. She kept saying thank you. God bless you. I’m so glad that I met you. I am shaken from the experience. Being able to help her that day gave me confirmation that I am in the right profession.

If Clara were here today, she would tell you that she came to me for diaper help, but that these diapers from Help A Mother Out ended up bringing the help and resources she desperately needed. Today Clara, Andre and Matthew are still living in that garage. Andre is in the process of getting enrolled in occupational therapy and he is scheduled to see a doctor for the first time in years. It’s going to be a long road for them but we are in the process of getting them the help they need and deserve – and we have the diapers to thank for starting this journey.

I’m here to tell you that diapers DO change lives and I’m really honored to be part of this program that truly makes a difference. I hope you will be too.

Thank you.


* “Clara” image via

Curt’s Story: In Honor of Father’s Day

In honor of Father’s Day, we want to share a moving testimonial from a father.

Curt’s story was highlighted at our annual Let Good Grow event by Phoebe Rubin. Phoebe is a volunteer at our partner agency, the Bayview Mission, a ministry of Grace Cathederal in San Francisco.

Here is what Phoebe shared with us:

I am a mother and the idea of running out of diapers horrifies me. That’s why I’ve volunteered at the baby ministry at Bayview Mission in San Francisco for the last four years.

I’ve given out diapers hundreds of diapers to families, and I know that access to diapers can mean the difference between having food, medicine and shelter—and not having those things.

I’m want to tell you about one family in particular. Curt is in his early 40’s and takes care of his baby Mia full time. Before his accident, Curt was a college-educated artist who made large metal sculptures and did construction work to pay the bills. Not anymore. Curt’s leg was badly injured when he fell from a 3rd story window at work. Surgery on Curt’s leg was botched, and his request for a second surgery was denied. Now, walking is a challenge for Curt. He lives on disability. One of the few times he goes out each week is when he comes to the ministry to pick up diapers and baby food for Mia.

Knowing Curt has made me grateful for my health, and the health of my family. That’s because Curt told me: that he never, in all of his life, dreamed that he would lose his health.  Curt grew up in a middle-class family. He never imagined himself disabled, needing help, instead of working and creating his art.  I bet many of you can hardly imagine that either.

About 3.5 years ago, Help a Mother Out started bringing diapers to our ministry. To us volunteers, being able to help families like Curt’s felt like winning the lottery. I have to admit that I look forward to seeing Curt roll up in his car each week with Mia.  He is such a well-informed and fun person. Every week I learn something new from him about local politics or current events.

Curt would say that diapers from Help a Mother Out have made it possible for him to buy things his family could not survive without. Instead of worrying about how to buy diapers, Curt can concentrate on parenting Mia. And that investment is paying off big time. Mia is a happy well taken care of baby.

Because of HAMO, Curt can do what he needs to do for his family—and his own health–rather than worrying about diapers. One day a few weeks back, after providing diapers for Curt dozens of times, there was a day when we ran out. The need is so enormous that, even though HAMO works around the clock, they can’t always provide diapers for every baby. I had to go out to Curt’s car and turn him away. He took the news calmly, but I wondered what was going through his mind, facing the week without HAMO’s help.  As I turned to go back inside, my heart felt heavy.  At that moment, it struck me what an enormous thing a diaper really is, and what a difference it can make in a life.  I’m happy to say that I gave Curt a bundle of diapers this week, thanks to HAMO.  Curt thanked me, and I thank HAMO for making lives like Curt’s, and his baby Mia’s, easier.

Curt’s story reminds us to be grateful for what we do have while encouraging us to remember that there are those who encounter unexpectedly difficult challenges in life.

As you honor the fathers in your life, we want to thank you for all that you do for dads like Curt.

How will you celebrate Father’s Day?

Viviana’s Story

Viviana was too ashamed to drop her child off to daycare without diapers, therefore would have missed school to remain home with her child. Thank goodness for Help A Mother Out, the Family Advocate was able to make an emergency drop-off to Viviana. She didn’t have to miss school and was able to take her child to daycare with clean diapers.
— Cynthia, Program Director, Brighter Beginnings, First 5 Resource Center

With your help, moms like Viviana are on the road to self sufficiency. Please consider sending a message of hope to our families with your gift today. In doing so you’re joining the HAMO family, working to sustain a much needed safety net in the year to come. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our families.

Please Read: Leave it to the Big O, aka my Oprah story

A mother whose child did not yet have medical insurance had to use the last of her money to pay for medicine. This left her without money for diapers so we gave her a few days supply. Those diapers made all the difference.

~ Peggy, Social Worker

Dear Friends,

Before I co-founded Help A Mother Out (HAMO) I was a stay at home mom, focused on raising my two young children (then ages 9 months and 3 years old). I remember poring over countless parenting books and blogs, and fretting about whether my kids were getting enough sleep, nutrition, and intellectually stimulating experiences. And while I wasn’t keenly aware of it then, I now know that my husband and I are extremely blessed to be able to provide the most basic needs for our kids.

On a day in February 2009, after viewing the Oprah Winfrey show about how the Great Recession was impacting struggling families, I knew I had to do something to help. My first thought was to host a children’s clothing drive, but after reaching out to a handful of social service agencies, I learned about diaper need. The thought of a young child spending the entire day in the same diaper just broke my heart. I quickly learned that reliable access to diapers is the cornerstone for healthy babies, healthy communities, and a family’s ability to thrive.

Everyday I am grateful that HAMO gets to do something about this problem. Everyday I am in awe that a home grown project with a start up investment of $100, could help so many struggling families, as well as inspire action in many others (including many of you!). Together we have done a lot of good. Nearly 750K diapers have been distributed through our network of partners, including homeless centers, family resource centers, public health departments, and food pantries. Equally important, we have raised awareness and advocated for needy families. And, we’ve accomplished all of this on a tiny budget.

We are proud of our accomplishments, but the truth is our organization has a lot of work ahead of us. Our vision is a day when every baby has an adequate supply of diapers, and for every agency we have been able to help, we have had to turn two away due to lack of resources. Advocating for and getting diapers to families in need takes real financial resources. We are inviting you to “adopt” Help A Mother Out this holiday season.

For us to do our crucial work we need funds to pay for general operating and program expenses. You may think that your gift of $30, $50, $100, or any amount that is meaningful to you, may be just a drop in the bucket, but in reality, your help is actually what makes this whole operation possible. Since we started Help A Mother Out, 85-percent of monetary gifts collected have come from individuals like you.

Thank you for helping us to help more mothers, children, and caregivers in 2012.

Wishing you and your family peace, joy and abundance,

Lisa Truong, co-founder, executive director

On behalf of the entire Help A Mother Out family and network

p.s. We are pleased and very grateful to announce between November and December 31st, our friends at Huggies Every Little Bottom will match your monetary gift for unrestricted funds, with an in kind diaper donation – up to 300K diapers. Your timing doesn’t get any better to help.Thank you for your generosity and believing in our work.

SoCal: #BlogHer11 Virtual Diaper Drive #hamo

This coming week some of the team will be at BlogHer ’11.

In case you haven’t heard, we’re hosting a service project to coincide with the conference, in hopes of raising much needed diaper funds we’d like to raise to benefit our Southern California families. Specifically, we have three agencies located in San Diego, Inland Empire, and east Los Angeles, who are currently on the waiting list to receive diapers.

Whether you are attending the conference or not, you can help us make a difference.

Bonus: We’re giving away an iPad, generously donated by our friends at Momversation, to one lucky online donor. And as of this writing, your chances look really good to win!

How you can help:

Spread the word about our virtual diaper drive. Official rules and more good stuff can be found via our event page.

Your online gift of $10 or more enters you to our iPad giveaway contest. Go ahead, click the BLUE button and help a mother out!

Last Day of the Month, Let’s Going Shopping for Diapers

Quickly, so in case you missed this NPR story about midnight shopping at Walmart. There’s been such a spike in middle of the night, last day of the month sales, that Walmart makes sure there are enough large packs of diapers and infant formula stocked on the shelves during this time of the month.

Food for thought.

Photo credit via Creative Commons 2.0: MarkJMS

You Can Help Stop the Shackling of Pregnant Inmates

Did you know that since 2005, it is illegal in California to shackle pregnant inmates while they are being transported to the hospital while in labor?

But did you know that in other instances, shackling of pregnant inmates is still legal?

According to The Guardian, ten U.S. states currently have shackling laws on the books (California, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Pennsylvania).

California Legislation

In 2005, CA legislation was enacted with AB 478 (Lieber). As previously wrote, this legislation states that no prisoner:

“shall not be shackled by the wrists, ankles, or both during labor, including during transport to the hospital, during delivery, and while in recovery after giving birth.”

Although the law has been in effect for some time, recently it has become evident that not all correctional officers are abiding by it in the jails and prisons across the state.

According to California NOW, our Golden State currently has the distinction of having the largest female inmate population of any state.

AB 1900 (Skinner)

New legislation is currently being considered to amend the 2005 law, enter AB 1900 (Skinner). If passed by the California legislature, the bill will prohibit shackling of pregnant women in county jails, state prisons and juvenile facilities at any time unless the woman presents a danger to herself or others.

You can peruse the documents related to this bill here.

Per Karen Shain, Policy Director at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, a legal advocacy group based in San Francisco:

The bill comes out of the personal experience of a young mother who was incarcerated at Contra Costa County Jail during the bulk of her pregnancy.  She was shackled every time she went to court–oftentimes with a belly shackle and attached to a male prisoner.  She was also shackled at the hospital where she was admitted with pre-eclampsia–she was shackled to the bed, having to call a guard every time she needed to go to the bathroom.  Then she was attached to a large chain that would give her enough distance to be able to use a commode, but not enough to actually use the bathroom in her room!  While it is illegal for pregnant women to be shackled when going to the hospital when in labor, all other shackling of pregnant women is currently legal in California.

The bill will require that Corrections Standards Authority (CSA) set uniform standards across the State of California for how incarcerated pregnant women may be restrained.

As of August 12, 2010 the bill has passed the house and made it’s way to the senate, having been amended and a third reading has been ordered.

The HAMO Connection

Our partner agency Family, Maternal and Child Health Programs of Contra Costa county has a program, Lift Every Voice, that has been an integral part of raising awareness of this issue and advocating for this piece of legislation.

We here at HAMO believe that every baby matters and that every mother, regardless of her current status, deserves access to appropriate prenatal and postpartum care. This is a human rights issue, not only for the expectant mother, but also for the child she is carrying.

How You Can Help

1) Send a letter of support for AB 1900 to Nancy Skinner’s office in Sacramento, as well as a copy to your CA State Senator, (updated 8/18/10) and Governor Schwarzenegger.

Updated 8/18/10: The ACLU of Northern California has a handy tool for you to contact Governor Schwarzenegger. Find it by clicking here.

2) Spread the word to your network. Blog, Tweet, and Facebook it. Talk about it with your friends.

Any reporters reading this? If you email me I would be happy to put you in touch with our sources: lisa at helpamotherout dotorg.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue. Had you heard about shackling pregnant women inmates previously? If you reside outside California, do you know your state’s policy on addressing this practice?

Image from:

Bottoms Covered #ELB

We had an incredible community event on Wednesday June 30th, which we put together to celebrate our Every Little Bottom donation from Huggies.

Pictured above is one of our youngest volunteers handing out diapers to Mel S. from WDDC, one of our FIRST partner agencies. Mel is the volunteer coordinator whom we met a little over a year ago. WDDC took 50 cases of diapers on Wednesday. I think they’ll be able to give out more than 6 diapers per mom now.

We had about 8 agencies come by to celebrate the momentous occasion with us. The energy was amazing and everyone pitched it to do their share. It was… very grassroots.

Some of our original agencies were able to come and bring back truck and van loads of diapers (all large sizes!) to stock their shelves for the hot summer months. Moms loaded up their station wagons full of diapers to bring to more agencies.

Photo credit: Wendy Copley (

Whitney rallied her crew to join in and keep the diapers moving. Please note the crutches (She broke her foot a few days prior and still drove over to lend a hand!).

Wendy and her son W. came over to help load diapers and document the day. We loaded up her car with diapers to bring back to an east bay agency. Mike and his daughter E. came by and got down to business with the pallet jack. It was so great to see our youngest volunteers really wanting to be there “to help the babies.”

My friend Del helped organize the event and Steve just totally brought it together and made a lot of behind the scenes happen.

We are totally, we mean Totally, indebted to our friends at City-Core Development for donating space to house the diaper donation. Are you looking for office space to lease? Check them out and tell them we sent you 

At the distribution I had a great conversation with a social worker from a newer partner agency on the  peninsula. We were talking about how so many of her clients are struggling with the basics. Parents are working long hours and it literally comes down to paying the utility bill, putting food on the table, or keeping an adequate supply of diapers. She talked about how when she has diapers, which is not too frequent, she can give them to her clients and then they can focus on more solving more pressing issues.

It felt completely awesome to load up the social worker’s car with diapers for her clients. My hope is that we can figure out a way to continue the momentum this windfall donation helped start.

Big Hugs to Huggies for literally covering a whole lot of little bottoms the Bay Area this week. We’re having an amazing time bringing your diapers to moms who really need them!

Check out Wendy’s photos from the day: