Sent To Folsom Prison — Help a Mother Out

Sent To Folsom Prison

The following testimonial is from a “Cara,” a now single mom. Unfortunately this wasn’t the first story we’ve heard about someone serving time as a result of stealing diapers.

From Cara:

The diapers that I receive here help me get through the month without stressing on how I’m going to keep my child warm and dry. About a year ago my child’s father went to the store to get diapers. We had no money. He went to the store to steal the diapers. He was caught again second offence. He’s now in Folson State Prison. Over some diapers. How petty can that get.

I am very thankful for organizations like this. Had there not been a place like this my child would have to suffer. Thank you again and may God bless you.

This is just like Les Misérables, except this IS real life.

Are you as heartbroken as I am?
