First Birthdays #payitforward #hamo — Help a Mother Out

First Birthdays #payitforward #hamo

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I’m a little belated in posting this, but it’s so freaking cute and inspiring that I hope you all can forgive me.

During our Mother’s Day fundraising drive, an East Bay group of new moms (of which Kindercyclemom Jennifer is part of) decided they wanted to something really meaningful to honor their babies’ First Birthdays. Moms group #311 of the Support Group for Mothers had all their babies turning ONE within a few months of May. In lieu of the requisite birthday gifts for each other’s children, each of the families made a $50 gift to Help a Mother Out to honor the babies.

Their simple gesture of paying it forward, yielded a collective gift of $500! That’s a little more than half a year’s supply of diapers for one baby.

It may not seem like much to larger non profits, but for us – this gift is amazingly impactful to our work and we are super honored to have Mom’s Group #311 honor their babies and celebrate their first year of motherhood this way.

Thanks to all the Mamas of group #311 (special shout out to Annika for coordinating!).

YOU are our super heroes!

Are you inspired to act? You can make an impact too! Contact us today and let us know what you are thinking.

Image from Mom’s Group #311
